1 Working for the Master,
In His name we go,
Ever His light shining,
For we love Him so;
Living for the Master,
Making this world bright,
Helping on His kingdom
T’ward the heav’nly light.
Working, toiling, till His face I see,
Showing what a Christian’s life should be;
Someone with a heartache,
Someone lone and sad,
I can point to Jesus,
I can make them glad.
2 Working for the Master,
Help the burden bear,
Make a struggling brother
Feel your loving care.
Someone with a heartache,
Someone lone and sad,
I can point to Jesus—
I can make them glad. [Refrain]
3 Working for the Master;
O the world is wide!
How it needs His gospel
Which shall e’er abide;
Well might angels envy
Such a work as ours,
Sending forth deliv’rance—
Bright’ning darkest hours. [Refrain]
Source: Progressive Sunday School Songs #33