1 Words of love from above
Jesus has bro't to the world;
Men from sin it shall win,
Evil aside shall be hurled;
Souls in need ever plead
Down in the lowlands of night;
Let them hear words of cheer,
Tell then the message of light.
Tell it and sing it from day unto day, (Tell it day by day,)
While you are passing along; (As you press along;)
Sing it to sinners who fall by the way, (Sing it along the way,)
Spread it in story and song; (Spread it in happy song;)
It is the message of Jesus to men, ('Tis God's message sweet,)
Bro't from His kingdom above; (Bro't from His home above;)
Tell it and sing it again and again, (Tell it with joy again,)
Wonderful message of love.
2 Cheer and peace shall increase
Where the glad message is told;
It shall lead souls in need
Into the Shepherd's own fold;
Give it out, sing and shout,
Spread it with voices of joy;
Let it ring for the King,
Nothing its pow'r shall destroy. [Chorus]
3 It imparts joy to hearts
Weary and burdened and worn,
Souls in need it will lead
Out of the night into morn;
Labor still with a will,
True to the Master remain;
Then at last, trials past,
Heaven's bright crown you shall gain. [Chorus]
Source: Church Hymnal #108