1 Word of God, when all was silent, Source of all that was to be;
With the Father and the Spirit, One throughout eternity:
When you spoke the whole creation Came to birth by your decree.
2 Word made flesh, you came among us Sharing all our joy and pain,
Helping, healing, living, loving, Lamb of God, for sinners slain:
By your body, broken, bleeding, Make creation whole again.
3 Word of Life, raised up in power From the tomb on Easter morn,
Victor over death’s dominion, Bringing hope to souls forlorn:
Make our lives a new creation By the Spirit’s gift reborn.
4 Word of God, your call, unsilenced, Sounds throughout our passing years,
Seeking, probing, penetrating By its truth our doubts and fears:
Speak to us until we hear you; Open dulled and deafened ears.
5 Praise the Word for life unending! Praise the Word for truth that heals!
Praise the Word that shines where darkness God’s undying love conceals!
Praise the Word whose grace incarnate Still the heart of God reveals!