1 Wond'rous the Grace which now we prove!
Led up to the Creator's Love,
With every perfect Spirit;
The Nature, Love, and Life in God,
We soar to know, by Jesu's Blood,
And all its Bliss inherit:
Now seal'd,
And heal'd
Of our Blindness
Thro' the Kindness
Of our Jesus,
Who from Sin did quite release us.
2 Our God so lov'd his Creature Man;
He was before the World began
The first Word by him spoken:
Declared then his only Son
In Union with the Godhead one;
A perfect Proof and Token
Of Grace
And Peace;
All this Blessing,
Without ceasing,
To the Creature,
And that God did love their nature.
3 Whilst all in Heav'n rejoic'd in this,
Tho' they but faintly saw the Bliss
Of human Exaltation;
We, whom it most concern'd to know,
Were kept in Blindness here below,
By Sin from all Sensation.
Nor could,
Nor would
We believe it,
Nor receive it,
When he prov'd us,
Saying, Our Creator lov'd us.
4 The Father saw us sunk in Sin,
Our Nature spoiled, blind, unclean,
Unmeet for his enjoying;
Resolv'd to make our Nature pure,
By all our sins destroying:
Then Love
Laid the Scheme, of
What's the Theme of
All the blessed,
Who are of their God caressed.
5 The Father sends his only Son;
Yea, comes himself to Worms undone;
Is found in all our Fashion;
Thro' all our Reputation's Loss,
He tracks us to the shameful Cross,
And feels us in his Passion.
We fell
To Hell;
He o'er took us,
Nor forsook us;
But redeem'd us,
And as his own Heav'n esteem'd us.
Source: Christian Hymns, Poems, and Spiritual Songs: sacred to the praise of God our Saviour #I.XXXV