1 Wonderful message that's sent unto me,
Jesus has died to redeem thee;
Message of love, and a message so free,
Jesus has died to redeem thee.
Jesus has died to redeem thee,
Send the glad message the needy world o'er;
Jesus has died to redeem thee,
Proclaim it the needy world o'er.
2 Hear what the message is saying to-day,
Jesus has died to redeem thee;
All who believe, oh, how blessed are they,
Jesus has died to redeem thee. [Chorus]
3 Hear it, O sinner, this message of love,
Jesus has died to redeem thee;
Sent down to earth from the heavens above,
Jesus has died to redeem thee. [Chorus]
4 Give unto others the message you hear,
Jesus has died to redeem thee;
Fill the sad earth with the words of good cheer,
Jesus has died to redeem thee. [Chorus]
Source: Junior Songs: a collection of sacred hymns and songs; for use in meetings of junior societies, Sunday Schools, etc. #83