1 Wonder of the countless spheres!
See the Son of God in tears!
He by whom the worlds were made,
He on whom our sins were laid.
2 See him bear the cross of shame;
Hear the world revile his name:
Lo! he dies that we may live,
All who on his name believe.
3 In the tomb behold him laid
Whom the universe obeyed;
See him rise, ascend to God,
There to plead his precious blood.
4 Now he stands before the throne,
Pleading for his loved, his own:
"Father, I my life-blood gave
These to ransom, these to save."
5 "If I go I'll come again,"
Preach this gospel to all men;
Now redemption's work goes on,
Then redemption's work is done.
Source: The Seventh-Day Adventist Hymn and Tune Book: for use in divine worship #333