1 With Thee, O Christ, I take my stand,
I give my life, my all;
The Holy Spirit give to me,
As now on Thee I call.
Only dwell within my heart,
Cleanse me from all my sin,
Purify and sanctify,
Only dwell within.
2 With Thee, O Christ, I take my stand,
To do Thy holy will,
To be what Thou would’st have me be,
Thy bidding to fulfil. [Refrain]
3 With Thee, O Christ, I take my stand,
I would Thy servant be;
No task assigned too great or small,
Since I am yoked with Thee. [Refrain]
4 With Thee, O Christ, I take my stand,
To go where Thou dost send,
A willing messenger for Thee,
If Thou Thy Spirit lend. [Refrain]
Source: Victorious Life Hymns #269