1 With new-made Songs, let GOD be praised,
Who wondrous Things for us hath done
With his Right Hand and Arm upraised,,
A glorious Conquest he has won.
The LORD, hat to the World, dismayed,
Declar'd his Strength and saving Might,
He hath his righteous Acts displayed,
Before th' astonish'd Heathens Sight.
2 The LORD, in Love and Truth excelling,
Of Israel's House hath mindful been;
And Nations in Earth's Corners dwelling,
The saving Pow'r of GOD have seen.
Let Earth's Inhabitants, combining,
To him their joyful Voices raise;
Let all in Songs of Triumph joining,
Loudly resound their Maker's Praise.
3 With many tuneful Harps surrounding,
Let them into the Concert bring,
Trumpets and Cornets, shrilly sounding,
And hymn glad Praises to their King:
Let the loud Ocean roar, transported,
With all that spacious Seas contain,
Be Earth's Inhabitants exhorted,
To join in Praise the noisy Main.
4 Let Streams, thro' fertile Meadows bounding,
In larger Torrents dance and play;
Let Hills and Vales their Joy resounding,
Far off redoubled Shouts convey:
To welcome down the King renowned,
Who does in awful Triumph come,
With never fading Glory crowned,
With Justice to reward or doom.
Source: The Psalms of David: with the Ten Commandments, Creed, Lord's Prayer, &c. in metre...for the use of the Reformed Protestant Dutch church of the city of New York #XCVIII