1 With joy our voices we unite,
And lift our hearts above,
To God, the God of power and might,
To God, whose Name is Love.
2 To Him, who us, and earth, and skies,
With all their armies made,
From us, from all, let anthems rise,
To God the Father paid.
3 To Him, whose Death for all mankind,
For us, redemption won,
By us, by all, be songs combined,
In praise to God the Son.
4 To Him, who us and all His fold
With sanctity arrays,
To God, from all His saints enrolled,
The Holy Ghost, be praise.
5 To God, whose Name His Word reveals,
Whom all His saints confess,
Whose grace His faithful promise seals,
To save, to cleanse, to bless:
6 To God, from whom all blessings flow,
Eternal One in Three,
From all His saints, above, below,
Eternal glory be!
Source: Church Book: for the use of Evangelical Lutheran congregations #260