1. With joy, I heard the people say,
Let's to the Lord's house go and pray.
2. Our feet, henceforth, with pleasure wait,
Jerusalem, within thy gate.
3. Jerusalem's a city fair,
Compact, with beauteous order there.
4. Thither the tribes devoutly throng;
The tribes which to the Lord belong.
To Israel's witness we repair,
To honor God, with praise, and prayer.
5. The seats of justice there have place;
And thrones of David's royal race.
6. Pray Salem's peace may lasting be;
For they shall prosper that love thee.
7. May peace within thy walls abound;
Thy palaces with joy be crowned.
8. For friends, and brethren's sake, I pray
May happy peace, within thee stay.
9. Because Jehovah's house is there,
Thy good shall be my constant care.
A New Version of the Psalms of David, 1752