1 With God and His mercy, His Spirit, and Word,
And loving communion at altar and board,
We meet with assurance the dawn of each day:
The Shepherd is with us,
The Shepherd is with us,
To lead and protect us, and teach us the way.
2 In perilous times, amid tempests and night,
A band presses on through the gloom toward light;
Though humble, and meek, and disowned by the world,
They follow the Saviour,
They follow the Saviour,
And march on to glory, with banners unfurled.
3 While groveling worldlings with dross are content,
And ever on sin and transgression are bent,
I follow, victorious hosts, at your word,
And march on to glory,
And march on to glory,
We march on to glory, our captain the Lord.
4 The sign of the cross I triumphantly bear,
Though none of my kindred that emblem may wear;
I joyfully follow the champions of right,
Who march on to glory,
Who march on to glory,
Who march on to glory, with weapons of might.
5 O Shepherd, abide with us, care for us still,
And feed us and lead us and teach us Thy will;
And when in Thy heavenly fold we shall be,
Our thanks and our praises,
Our thanks and our praises,
Our thanks and our praises we'll render to Thee.
Source: The Hymnal and Order of Service #272