1 With Calvary standing before me, I look,
And One there-on hanging I see
Who speaks, and His words are as fire to my soul—
“Beloved, I suffer for thee!”
Wonderful love of the Crucified!
Wonderful love of the One denied!
Oh, wonderful love, that for me He died,
Wonderful, wonderful love.
2 The halo divine overhanging His brow,
Speaks love which the world never knew;
For, hark! He is praying the Father above—
“Forgive, they know not what they do!” [Chorus]
3 Again, as I look, lo! a darkness descends,
His face from my vision to hide;
And there in that hour with my mouth I confessed—
"It was for my sin that He died!” [Chorus]
4 In anguish I cried from the depths of my soul—
“Lord Jesus have mercy on me!
I come, leaving all at the foot of Thy cross,
Thine, Lord, Thine forever to be!” [Chorus]
Source: Victory Songs: For the Church, Sunday School and Evangelistic Services. #161