1 With ardent voice unto the Lord I cry;
With uplift hands implore his clemency.
2 To him lay open all my secret grief,
And in sad anguish beg his swift relief.
3 While in the depths of woe, O God, I lay,
Thou know'st how firm I trod the perfect way;
Thou know'st how my inhuman foes prepar'd
Their toils, thy faithful servant to 've ensnar'd.
4 I look'd for aid, but no kind friend was near;
No friend, my faint and sinking soul to chear;
No faithful friend to curb my cruel foes,
To stem the torrent, and their wrongs t' oppose.
5 'Twas then, thy mercy I invok'd, O Lord,
Call'd thee my refuge, and thy aid implor'd,
Resolv'd, while life thou gav'st me to enjoy,
On thee and thy protection to rely.
6 O hear me now, for I'm in great distress,
With killing wrongs the men of blood oppress.
7 From the drear prison thou thy servant raise,
That he thy great, thy glorious name may praise;
That thee the righteous may in hymns extol;
The God whose goodness guards the humble soul.
Source: New Version of the Psalms of David #CXLII