1 With a heart full of love
To our Father above,
To his followers here below,
In the field we will till,
Sow and plant with a will,
For the seed of the Spirit will grow.
The seed will surely grow!
The Lord on it life will bestow;
And a hundred fold yield
We shall take from the field,
When the grain shall be garnered in.
2 With a pray’r in the heart,
Doing ever our part
In the stony or mellow ground,
We will sing as we work,
Never falter or shirk,
Ever earnest and faithful be found. [Refrain]
3 Some great day we shall know
That the Lord will bestow
A full share in the reaping sweet;
What an anthem of joy
Shall our glad lips employ,
When we lay the sheaves down at his feet. [Refrain]
Source: His Worthy Praise #17