1 Will that not joyful be,
When me walk by faith no more,
When the Lord we loved before
As brother man we see;
When he welcome us above,
When we share his smile of love,
Will that not joyful be?
Will that not joyful be?
2 Will that not joyful be,
When to meet us rise and come,
All our buried treasures home,
A gladsome company;
When our arms embrace again,
Those we mourn'd so long in vain,
Will that not joyful be?
Will that not joyful be?
3 Will that not joyful be,
When we hear what none can tell,
And the singing chorus swell,
Of angel's melody;
When we join the songs of praise,
Hallelujah with them raise,
Will that not joyful be?
Will that not joyful be?
4 Yes, that will joyful be;
Let the world her gifts recall,
There is bitterness in all,
Her joys are vanity!
Courage dear ones of my heart,
Tho' it grieves me here to part,
There we shall joyful be?
There we shall joyful be?
Source: Joyful Songs: a choice collection of new Sunday School music #59