1 Why was unbelieving I,
Trembling so afraid to die;
Now my feet in safety stand,
Here within the promis'd land.
2 O what wond'rous grace is here,
Now I'm safe from ev'ry fear;
Sin and doubts are ever gone,
Sighing shall no more be known:
3 Henceforth neither grief nor pain,
Here successive pleasures reign;
All things our Hosannah raise,
O the glories of this place:
4 O ye perfect happy ones,
Let me try to join your tunes
Come let us exalt the Lamb,
Singing ever to his name:
5 He our full redemption wrought,
He for us his glory bought;
From the earth he calls us home,
To our father's house we're come:
6 Oft in Kedar's tents I strove,
When his lovely face was hid;
With my friends to raise the song,
But it languish'd on my tongue;
7 Jesus now unveils his face,
Here I shout with sov'reign grace;
Fill'd with love, incessant cry,
To his praise in raptures high:
8 O my drooping friends below,
Did you half this glory know;
Daily would ye stretch the wing,
Here to fly and thus to sing:
Divine Hymns of Spiritual Songs, 1802