1 Why, O God! thy people spurn?
Why permit thy wrath to burn?
God of mercy! turn once more;
All our broken hearts restore.
2 Thou has made our land to quake,
Heal the sorrows thou didst make;
Bitter is the cup we drink,
Suffer not our souls to sink.
3 Be thy banner now unfurled,
Show thy truth to all the world;
Save us, Lord, we cry to thee,
Lift thine arm--thy chosen free.
4 Give us now relief from pain--
Humain aid is all in vain:
We, through God, shall yet prevail,
He will help when foes assail.
5 Sing we to our God above
Praise eternal as his love;
Praise him, all ye heavenly host--
Father, Son, and Holy Ghost--
Source: The Voice of Praise: a collection of hymns for the use of the Methodist Church #771