1 Why do the nations move and rage,
And people form a vain design?
2 Kings of the earth do set themselves
And princes in deep plots combine,
With one consent against the Lord,
And his Messiah, and dare say,
3 "Let us asunder break their bands,
And cast their cords of rule away?"
4 But He who sits in heaven will laugh,
The Lord at first will them deride;
5 In anger then to them He'll speak,
In wrath to vex them in their pride;
6 "See I have set my king upon
Zion my mount of sanctity,
7 And the immutable decree
Proclaim abroad to all will I."
8 The Lord to me said, "Thou my Son,
This day have I begotten thee;
Ask, and the nations I will give
For thine inheritance to be:
9 And of the earth Thou shalt possess
The utmost coasts and lands abroad;
The foes shalt break as potters ware,
And crush as with an iron rod."
10 Now therefore, O ye kings, be wise;
Be learned, ye who earth's judges are;
11 Serve ye the Lord with reverence;
Rejoice, but yet with trembling fear:
12 Kiss he the Son, lest He be wroth,
And ye should perish in your way;
When once his wrath a little burns,
Blessed are all that on him stay.
The Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs of the Old and New Testament, 1758