1 Why are you doubting and fearing?
Why are you still under sin?
Have you not found that his grace doth abound?
He’s mighty to save; let him in.
Jesus is strong to deliver,
Mighty to save! Mighty to save!
Jesus is strong to deliver,
Jesus is mighty to save.
2 Say, are you weak, are you helpless,
Trying again and again?
This may be true, but it’s not what you do,
‘Tis he who is mighty to save.
3 When in my sorrow he found me,
Found me and bade me be whole;
Turned all my night into heavenly light,
And from me my burden did roll.
4 When in the tempest he hides me,
When in the storm he is near;
O’er the long way the Lord is my stay,
And now I have nothing to fear.
Source: The Song Book of the Salvation Army #467