1 “Why are ye fearful?” your Saviour is saying,
To you, dear believers, today;
Stormiest billows and winds He controleth,
His word of command they obey.
Why are ye fearful, O why are ye fearful,
When Jesus is sailing with you?
Why are ye fearful, O can you not trust Him?
The Friend ever faithful and true.
2 Why are ye fearful when dark clouds are gath’ring,
And shadows be thick o’er your way?
Jesus will guide you, still trust in His promise,
Walk close in His footsteps each day. [Refrain]
3 Why are ye fearful, with such a dear Saviour?
Who tells you “To be no afraid;”
Naught can molest you, His eye is still watching,
His blood for your ransom He paid. [Refrain]
4 Why are ye fearful when Jordan approaching?
Its billows cannot o’er you flow;
Jesus has promised His own blessed presence
With you o’er the dark waves shall go. [Refrain]
Source: Hymns We Love, for Sunday Schools and All Devotional Meetings #64