1 Whosoever will says Jesus,
Call upon the Savior’s name,
Thro’ His cleansing blood finds vict’ry,
Over sin and all it’s shame.
Then shout the victory, shout the victory,
Praise the name of Him who saves,
Then shout the victory, shout the victory,
Tell the world that Jesus saves.
2 Have you let the lives of others,
Fill your heart with doubt and fear,
If you look away to Jesus,
All but Him will disappear. [Chorus]
3 Do you feel the Spirit’s power,
Is your heart aglow with love;
Go then see your wayward brother,
Tell him of the peace of God. [Chorus]
4 When you give your all to Jesus,
He will come and sanctify;
Lead you step by step to glory,
Where you’ll reign with Him on high. [Chorus]
Source: Light and Life Songs No. 2 #119