1 “Whosoever will may come,” O wondrous message!
Sing the blessed tidings all the world around:
“Whosoever will,” is sent to ev’ry nation
Where the perishing are found.
Whosoever will may come,
Whosoever will may come,
Whosoever will may come,
And drink of the water of life.
2 “Whosoever will may come,” O sinner, hear it,
See! the door is standing open all the day:
“Whosoever will,” be happy at the fountain—
Come along without delay. [Refrain]
3 “Whosoever will may come,” O precious promise!
“Whosoever will,” may have salvation free:
“Whosoever will,” O blessed invitation,
Thirsty soul, it is for thee. [Refrain]
Source: Crowning Day No. 5 #34