1 Who will rally ‘neath the banner royal,
In the Master’s service willing to be found;
God has need for loyal hearts and true,
The whole year round.
Ever pressing on in loyal service true,
Ever pressing on, His will our joy to do;
Willing hand and heart are consecrated too,
Yielding unto God our all.
We will ever strive another life to bless,
It shall be our pride His goodness to confess;
Bearing witness sure to any in distress,
As His voice my call.
2 Not for gold, nor things of earth that perish,
We are here rewarded for the time we give,
But the deeds we offer unto Him,
Fore’er shall live. [Refrain]
3 Willing hearts and hands that never weary,
Rally to the call for workers ev’rywhere,
Glad to go through deserts of the plains,
Or the valleys fair. [Refrain]
Source: Jubilate : A Modern Sunday-School Hymnal #42