1 Who was it, when we both were young,
Oft praised me with her artless tongue,
And on my neck delighted hung?
My sister.
2 Who ran about with me all day,
And when at hide and seek we'd play,
Who came to find me where I lay?
My sister?
3 And when to school I went to stay,
To seek for knowledge, day by day,
Who grieved to see me go away?
My sister.
4 Who was it ever with delight,
Ran forth to meet me, noon and night,
So free from envy, wrath, or spite?
My sister.
5 O, may it be our constant care,
Each other's griefs and pains to share,
And thus our mutual burdens bear,
My sister.
6 And may that heav'nly power above
Still fill our hearts with mutual love,
And all our virtuous ways approve,
My sister.
Source: Linden Harp: a rare collection of popular melodies adapted to sacred and moral songs, original and selected. Illustrated. Also a manual of... #95c