1 Who shall to thy chosen seat
Turn in glad approach his feet?
Who, great God, a welcome guest
On thy hallow'd mountain rest?
2 He whose heart thy love has warm'd;
He whose will to thine conform'd,
Bids his life unsullied run;
He whose word and thought are one;
3 He who ne'er with cruel aim,
Seeks to wound an honest fame;
Nor to slander's tongue severe
Bends with easy faith his ear;
4 Who, from servile terror free,
Turns from those who turn from thee;
And to each, who thee obeys,
Love and honour ever pays;
5 What he swears, with stedfast will
Ever ready to fulfil;
Nor can bribes his sentence guide
'Gainst the guiltless to decide;
6 He who thus, with heart unstain'd,
Treads the path be thee ordain'd,
He, great God, shall own thy care,
And thy constant blessing share.
Source: A Collection of Psalms and Hymns for Publick Worship #CXIII
First Line: | Who shall toward thy chosen seat |
Author: | James Merrick |
Copyright: | Public Domain |