1 Who knows how soon my days are ended?
My days are few and time speeds on.
How swiftly, in this world of changes,
May death approach and life be gone.
O God, for Jesus' sake I pray
That I in peace may pass away.
2 So teach me, Lord, my days to number
That when the hour of death appears,
The wounds of Christ may be my refuge,
Nor may I spare repentant tears.
O God, for Jesus' sake I pray
That I in peace may pass away.
3 Help me to put my house in order,
That I may ever ready be
To leave this world and say in meekness:
Lord, as Thou wilt, deal Thou with me.
O God, for Jesus' sake I pray
That I in peace may pass away.
4 O Father, let my sins be covered
With Jesus' blood and righteousness;
By faith this spotless garment wearing,
I find relief from all distress.
O God, for Jesus' sake I pray
That I in peace may pass away.
5 From Jesus naught my soul can sever,
Nor life nor death can do me harm:
Him as my Lord and God confessing,
I shall with ease my foes disarm.
O God, for Jesus' sake I pray
That I in peace may pass away.
Source: American Lutheran Hymnal #301