1 Who is the One who can give sweet peace,
Bid all our sorrows and sighing cease,
Bring to the sin-burdened soul release?
Jesus, Jesus!
He is the Lamb for all sinners slain;
He who once died, but now lives again;
Coming once more to the earth to reign,
Jesus, Jesus!
2 Who is the One who knows all our grief,
Brings to the doubt-troubled heart relief?
Who spake sweet words to the dying thief?
Jesus, Jesus! [Refrain]
3 Who understands all our secret woe?
Nothing is hidden He does not know;
Whose blood can wash our heart white as snow?
Jesus, Jesus! [Refrain]
4 Who will stand by us unto the end?
Always on Him can our souls depend;
Who is the sinner’s best, only Friend?
Jesus, Jesus! [Refrain]
Source: Williston Hymns #77