1 Who can have greater Cause to sing;
Who greater Cause to bless,
Than we the Children of the King,
Than we who Christ possess,
Than we who Christ possess;
Than we who Christ possess.
2 With Angel-Hosts, dear Lamb, e join,
To praise thy Love and Power,
To magnify thy Grace divine,
Thou mighty Consellor,
Thou mighty Consellor,
Thou mighty Consellor.
3 We late were Satan's Captives led;
And Hell had been our End
Had'st thou not for our Pardon bled,
Thou sinner's only Friend,
Thou sinner's only Friend,
Thou sinner's only Friend.
4 For this we ne'er will hold our Tongue,
Nor shall our Prasies cease:
We ever-more will sing that Song,
"The Lord our Right'ousness,"
"The Lord our Right'ousness,"
"The Lord our Right'ousness."
5 No other God we know but Thee,
None else did us create:
Thy Glory may we ever be,
O holy Advocate,
O holy Advocate.
O holy Advocate.
6 'Twas thou, 'twas only thou did'st take
The Mediator's Place,
When we the Father's Statutes break;
All Hail, thou Prince of Peace,
All Hail, thou Prince of Peace,
All Hail, thou Prince of Peace.
7 We daily prove thee still the same,
Whene'er our need we see,
Thou bearest still a Saviour's Name,
Our Saviour thou shalt be,
Our Saviour thou shalt be,
Our Saviour thou shalt be.
8 No Law, nor Sin, nor Hell nor Death
Shall us from thee divide;
Strongly we hold that precious Faith;
For us our Saviour dy'd,
For us our Saviour dy'd,
For us our Saviour dy'd.
Source: A Choice Collection of Hymns and Spiritual Songs: intended for the edification of sincere Christians of all denominations #LXXXII