1 Whilst I shall track the depth of love,
Which so transparently doth shine,
No more in reason's path I rove,
To search the mystery divine.
2 From all that's sensual flies my heart,
And enters deep infinity,
With spirits blest to bear a part,
In one melodious harmony.
3 Our spreading filth contracted close;
Within the compass of a span,
Affrights the child from calm repose,
To feel the misery of man:
4 His Life was painful, void of rest,
Full or reproach, contempt, and scorn;
With weighty griefs and woes opprest,
Till all chastisements be had borne.
5 The more in years he did increase,
The more its pressure he did feel,
Till time drew near when sin should cease,
And he his testament should seal;
6 Then sin and Satan had the Ssway,
To vex, accuse him, and condemn,
Whilst God did all his wrath display,
To end all sin, and man redeem.
Source: Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs: selected and original, designed for the use of the Church Universal in public and private devotion #CCXXVIII