1 Whilst Bethlehem’s shepherds kept their flocks
All thro’ the starlit night,
An angel from the heav’ns drew near,
And sudden was their fright;
"Fear not," he cried, "be not afraid;
Good news I come to bring:
To you and all mankind is born
A Savior, and a king."
2 A throng of angels then began
Their voices sweet to raise,
Whilst on the ground the shepherds lay
To hear their songs of praise;
All glory be to God on high
Th’enraptured seraphs sing,
Peace on the earth, good will to men,
All hail, the newborn King!
3 To Bethlehem quick the shepherds ran
To seek the wondrous Child,
And found Him in a lowly shed,
With Mary, mother mild;
Their voices then they turned on high
To glorify their God,
And told how they had seen that day
Their Savior, Christ the Lord.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #13177