1 While we meet, who love thy name,
Meet, to cast our cares on thee,
As of old, the Spirit came,
May his presence with us be.
Singing with the Spirit,--
"Jesus, be thy name adored!"
Let us make heart melody,
Singing to the Lord.
2 Touch our lips with holy flame,
As we for thy Spirit long;
Then we'll dare to praise thy name,
Then, thou wilt accept our song! [Chorus]
3 Make us pure and free from sin;
Gird us for the holy race;
Teach us how the lost to win
To the gospel of thy grace. [Chorus]
4 Teacher! make us truly wise;
Victor! make us to be strong;
May our prayers like incense rise,
And to thee our even song. [Chorus]
Source: The Golden Sheaf: a collection of choice hymns and songs especially designed for Sunday schools, loyal worker's meetings, prayer and social services (Enl. ed.) #188