1 While "Truth and God" inspire you,
Your weapons all divine,
And clad in heav'n's own armor,
Where gems of glory shine,
No evil power can harm you,
No fetter e'er enchain,
For God, and Truth and Freedom,
Ye never fight in vain.
For God and truth and freedom
We never fight in vain,
No evil power can harm us,
No fetters e'er enchain.
For God and Faith and Freedom,
For God and Faith and Freedom,
We fight, but not in vain,
We fight, and not in vain;
No evil can harm us,
No fetters enchain,
For God and truth and freedom, we never fight in vain.
2 Faint not, nor be weary,
The blessed bread from heav'n,
In all its promis'd fullness,
To you shall now be given,
The holy, living water,
Which He alone bestows,
Still from the fount Eternal
In purest freshness flows.
We will not faint or weary,
To us shall now be given
The holy, living water,
The blessed bread from heaven.
For God and Faith and Freedom,
For God and Faith and Freedom,
We fight, but not in vain,
We fight, and not in vain;
No evil can harm us,
No fetters enchain,
For God and truth and freedom, we never fight in vain.
3 Bright visions of the future
Come thronging on my sight,
And sin, and woe, and darkness,
Seem melting into light;
A world of love is turning
To heav'n its upward gaze,
And heart to heart responding
In notes of fervent praise.
Bright visions of the future
Come thronging on our sight,
And sin, and woe, and darkness,
Seem melting into light.
For God and Faith and Freedom,
For God and Faith and Freedom,
We fight, but not in vain,
We fight, and not in vain;
No evil can harm us,
No fetters enchain,
For God and truth and freedom, we never fight in vain.
Source: The Silver Chime: a cluster of Sabbath school melodies, tunes, sentences, chants, etc., for the use of children and teachers in their school exercises, devotions, and recreations, to which is added... #106