Author: H. S. Oswald
Oswald, Heinrich Siegmund, son of Johann Heinrich Oswald or Osswald, of Nimmersatt, near Liegnitz, in Silesia, was born at Nimmersatt, June 30, 1751. After passing through the school at Schmiedeberg he was for seven years clerk in a public office at Breslau. In 1773 he became Secretary to the Landrath von Prittwitz at Glatz, with whom he remained two years, and was thereafter in business at Hamburg and at Breslau. Through J. D. Hermes, Oberconsistorialrath at Potsdam, whose daughter he married, he became acquainted with King Friedrich Wilhelm II. of Prussia, and in 1791 was appointed reader to the king. He accordingly removed to Potsdam, and was in 1791 appointed also Geheimrath. After the king's death, on Nov. 16, 1797, Oswald received a p…
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