1 Where hast thou gleaned today, reaper?
Where hast thou gleaned today?
Out in the highways and byways of sin,
Calling the wanderers lovingly in,
Seeking some poor precious wand’rer to win,
Where hast thou gleaned today?
Where hast thou gleaned?
Where hast thou gleaned?
Gathering sheaves, or nothing but leaves?
Where hast thou gleaned today?
2 Where hast thou gleaned today, reaper?
Where hast thou gleaned today?
Out in the world with its glitter and glare,
Where Satan spreads for the wayward a snare?
Seeking some jewels so precious and rare,
Where hast thou gleaned today? [Refrain]
3 Where hast thou gleaned today, reaper?
Where hast thou gleaned today?
Into the dwellings of vice and of shame,
Where sin and wickedness unrivaled reign,
There have you taken the dear Savior’s name,
Where hast thou gleaned today? [Refrain]
4 Where hast thou gleaned today, reaper?
Where hast thou gleaned today?
Hast thou stood idly and watched others reap,
Or in despair o’er thy failures to weep?
Go gather grain ere the night shadows creep,
Where hast thou gleaned today? [Refrain]
Source: His Worthy Praise #111