1 Whene’er I look into Thy word,
And read about my dearest Lord,
The friend of sinful man,
And trace my Savior’s footsteps there;
What humble love, what holy fear,
Through all His conduct ran!
2 If I regard the matchless grace
He showed unto the human race,
How He for them became
A poor sojourner here below,
Oppressed by pain and sorrow too,
I can’t but love His name.
3 And when I view His love to God,
Those steps in which the Savior trod,
I long to tread them too;
I long to be inspired with zeal,
To execute my Father’s will,
As Jesus used to do.
4 I read, that He on duty bent,
To lonely places often went,
To seek His Father there:
The early morn and dewy ground
Can witness, they the Savior found,
Engaged in fervent prayer.
5 And did my Savior use to pray,
Before the light unveiled the day;
And shall I backward be?
No, dearest Lord, forbid the thought,
Help me to fight as Jesus fought,
Each foe that hinders me.
6 And you, my friends, who love His name,
Who love to imitate the Lamb,
And more of Jesus know;
Come let us all surround His throne,
And see what blessings on His own
Our Savior will bestow.
7 Though fears be great, temptations strong,
And though we oft have waited long,
Perhaps He may design
This morn to give each soul to see,
And say with Paul, "He died for me,"
And my Redeemer’s mine.
8 Now cheerful we’ll begin to pray,
That He will wash our sins away
In His atoning blood;
That He His blessing may bestow,
And give each sinner here to know
That he’s a child of God.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #12775