1 When ye are met by tow’ring foes
That tempt thee and thy way oppose,
Put forth the strength that overthrows,
Stand strong, stand strong, stand strong!
Stand strong, stand strong,
Stand strong wherever ye go!
Stand strong for truth—for right, and for God,
Stand strong, and true victory know!
2 How many a man will weakly fall,
And yield to pow’r that must enthrall,
When he might conquer over all,
If he had but stood strong. [Refrain]
3 If many friends ye count your own,
And help to battle wrong be shown;
Or if for right ye stand alone,
Stand strong, stand strong, stand strong! [Refrain]
4 Thy strength grows stronger when ye win.
The smallest vict’ry over sin;
‘Gainst wrong without and wrong within,
Stand strong, stand strong, stand strong! [Refrain]
Source: Hymns We Love, for Sunday Schools and All Devotional Meetings #141