1 When will my sweet release be signed,
To quit this house of clay?
When shall my spirit, unconfined,
To glory wing her way?
2 O how I loathe this mortal life,
I hate this slavish fear;
I long to end this tedious strife
With sin and sorrow here.
3 I long to see a smiling God,
In everlasting light;
When shall I reach His blest abode,
And gain th’enraptured sight?
4 My towering thoughts disdain to roll
Amongst these earthly toys;
Jesus is dearer to my soul
Than life with all its joys.
5 Make haste, my days, fly faster still,
And bring me to the place,
To that delightful, holy hill,
Where Jesus shows His face.
6 Why am I chained to earth so long,
Exposed to every snare?
When shall I join the heav’nly throng,
And dwell for ever there?
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #8690