I. When we are under great Distress,
And ev'ry Thing seems comfortless;
No Creature gives the least Relief,
But all encrease our Weight of Grief.
II. The only Refuge then we have
Is, that we meet, and humbly crave
Thy Helping Hand, O faithful God,
To save us from the wrathful Rod.
III. And lifting up our Eyes and Heart
To thee, with true repenting Smart,
We seek from Sin a full Release,
And seek to make thy Judgments cease.
IV. As thou hast promis'd in thy word,
To All that turn to Thee, O Lord!
And love the Name of JESUS CHRIST,
Our Mediator and High-Priest.
V. We then address our selves to Thee,
In this our great Calamity,
Beseeching thine Almighty Hand
To take this Evil form our Land.
VI. Remember not our num'rous Crimes,
But cleanse us from all Guilt betimes;
Assist us with thy mighty Grace,
And turn on us thy shining Face.
VII. That, for our great Deliv'rance, we
May tender Praise and Love to Thee;
Pay true Obedience to thy Word,
And ever live in Thee, O Lord!
Source: Psalmodia Germanica: or, The German Psalmody: translated from the high Dutch together with their proper tunes and thorough bass (2nd ed., corr. and enl.) #184