1 When we all were weak and wand'ring, last in darkest night,
When we had no one to teach us what was true and right,
It was then the Saviour came to show us God's true way,
And to guide us with His spirt to eternal day.
Full salvation Jesus has come to bring!
Hallelujah! Glory to God I'll sing!
Praise Him, praise Him heaven, and earth and sea,
Praise the Lord, the mighty God of victory.
2 On the cruel cross He suffered in our stead and cried,
That we might from all our sins be freely justified;
Fully ransomed from the fall, the vilest may be free.
If he'll only turn from sin and a believer be. [Refrain]
3 'Tis a full and sweet salvation Jesus brings to all;
There are none who are excluded who will hear the call;
It is "whosoever will" the Spirit calls today;
It is you that He is calling hear His voice, I pray. [Refrain]
Source: His Fullness Songs #17