1 When troubles hem thee round, when foes distress,
And thou to heav'n thy fervent pray'r address,
To thee a list'ning ear th' almighty lend,
Thee by his name may Jacob's God defend:
2 From his resplendent throne assistance give,
From Sions sacred temple bid thee live;
3 Thy victims at his altar not forget;
And thy oblations graciously accept;
4 Grant to thy heart's desire the ask'd success,
Dispel thy woes, and all thy counsels bless.
5 And when th' almighty God has given his aid,
And crown'd with conquest thy anointed head,
We'll join thy triumphs with according voice,
And in thy great deliv'rer we'll rejoice.
6 For well we know thou art th' eternal's care,
That from his lofty throne thy suit he'll hear;
That not in vain thou'lt on his pow'r rely;
His strong right-hand will give thee victory.
7 Let the proud heathen in their cars confide,
And on their harnest'd steeds exulting ride;
Be they their empty boaft more wifely we
Depend, O God, on thy great name and thee.
8 Their harnest'd steeds, their falchion'd chariots fail,
Nor in the day of deep distress prevail;
See, low they fall, while, in thy pow'r we rise,
And snatch the conquest from our enemies.
5 Save us and hear--on thee we call, O Lord;
While thou thy strong protection wilt afford,
We dare the menac'd battle of the foe;
Fruitless, he darts the spear, and bends the bow.
Source: New Version of the Psalms of David #XX