Organ Moderately Easy Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers $14.00 This collection of stirring postludes is based upon well-known hymns. Callahan's compositional flair is apparent in all six of these postludes.
Includes: Ye Holy Angels Bright DARWALL'S 148TH… | |
Resource Book Shipped by Hope Publishing $24.95 These are the collected hymn texts from 1961-2001 of one of the most widely published contemporary English hymnwriters. Timothy Dudley-Smith has been writing hymn texts for more than 40 years, and on… | |
Organ Moderately Difficult Pentecost Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers $18.00 Carols, chorales, and hymns. Each setting has own character employing unique colors. Includes: Wake, Awake WACHET AUF concerto style, Advent On This Day PERSONENT HODIE Renaissance dance, Christma… |