1 When to those who sin and suffer,
Jesus came to bring relief,
Lo! he was despised, rejected,
Man of sorrows, full of grief.
While we thought him stricken, smitten,
By the hand of God alone,
He was bearing others' burdens,
Sins and sorrows not his own.
Hallelujah! Swell the chorus,
Praising him, the Crucified;
Oh, believe him, Oh, receive him,
Who for sinners bled and died!
2 He, for our transgressions wounded,
Bruised for our iniquity,
By his chastisement, procured us
Peace and pardon full and free.
We like wayward sheep had wandered
From our Father's fold astray;
Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him,
And on him our sins to lay. [Refrain]
3 He was led a lamb to slaughter,
By his stripes we all are healed;
In his blood our souls find cleansing,
By his death to glory sealed.
Break, my heart, with godly sorrow,
That thy sins such ruin brought;
Break, my heart, with holy rapture,
That his grace thy rescue wrought. [Refrain]
Source: Calvary Songs #56