1. When time seems short, and death is near,
And I am pressed by doubt and fear,
And sins, an overflowing tide,
Assail my peace on every side,
This thought my refuge still shall be,
I know my Savior died for me.
2. His name is Jesus, and He died—
For guilty sinners crucified;
Content to die, that He might win
Their ransom from the death of sin.
No sinner worse than I can be,
Therefore I know He died for me.
3. If grace were bought, I could not buy;
If grace were coined, no wealth have I;
By grace alone I draw my breath,
Held up from everlasting death.
Yet since I know His grace is free,
I know the Savior died for me.
4. I read God’s holy Word, and find
Great truths which far transcend my mind
And little do I know beside
Of thought so high and deep and wide.
This is my best theology—
I know the Savior died for me.
5. My faith is weak, but ’tis Thy gift;
Thou canst my helpless soul uplift,
And say, Thy bonds of death are riv’n,
Thy sins by Me are all forgiv’n,
And thou shalt live, from guilt set free;
For I, thy Savior, died for thee.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #7340