1. When the servants of God have been call'd from their toil,
And the bright, fadeless crowns have been giv'n,
And the long promis'd rest they have enter'd upon,
In that beautiful kingdom of heav'n,
Then the equal of angels the saints will appear,
cloth'd in garments of white, pure and fair;
When such wonderful gifts are bestow'd upon men,
Oh, I know I shall want to be there.
Oh, I know I shall want to be there;
Yes, I know I shall want to be there;
When the sav'd and the blest reach the fair land of rest,
Oh, I know I shall want to be there.
2. When the great ransomed army shall marshall at last,
On the plains of the Paradise land,
Bearing trophies of conquest o'er sin and the grace,
I shall want then among them to stand.
When together with one mighty outburst of song
They shall praise for salvation declare,
And the great anthem swells thro' the heav'nly domain,
Oh, I know I shall want to be there. [Chorus]
3. When the Saviour who died to redeem fallen men,
And hath bro't them His glory to see,
In the midst of the great ransom'd throng shall appear,
I shall want then among them to be;
I shall want then His beautiful face to behold,
I shall want then His glory to share;
And when He over all shall be crown'd King of kings,
Oh, I know I shall want to be there. [Chorus]
Source: The Gospel Awakening: a collection of original and selected "hymns and spiritual songs" for the use in gospel meetings everywhere #158