1 When the martyred One I see,
Think of all His love for me,
Love that suffered grief and shame,
Crown of thorns, and slandered name;
See His tears of anguish flow,
Shed for me, those tears, I know;
This must still my wonder by;
That the Savior died for me.
In His love, His precious love,
I am resting in His love,
Precious love that made me free;
O the love of Christ for me!
2 Blessed One, hear Thou my cry,
Weak and worthless, Lord, am I;
Nothing from thy hand I claim,
No defense my lips can frame.
Help me in Thy love to trust,
Merciful and good and just;
Tho’ a wonder still it be,
That the Savior died for me. [Chorus]
3 When this heart is stilled to rest,
When I rise to meet the blest,
When amid the ransomed throng,
Shall my voice take up the song;
Tho’ I sing a Savior’s praise
Thro’ eternity’s glad days
This shall still my wonder be,
That the Savior died for me. [Chorus]
Source: Light and Life Songs No. 2 #83