1 When the hosts of Israel for the needed rain,
Unto Baal their idol cried aloud in vain;
Then Elijah pray’d, and on the waiting plain
Then the fire came rushing down.
O mighty God, unto Thee I call,
Let the fire now from heaven fall;
Burn up the dross of base desire,
And answer pray’r with a heav’nly fire.
2 Paul and Silas praying thro’ the weary night,
Catch a glorious vision of an angel bright;
Feel their shackles fall, and kneeling in the light,
See the pow’r come rushing down. [Refrain]
3 See the faithful Daniel in the Lion’s den,
Peacefully he’s sleeping on its shaggy mane;
For the God he’s serving hears his pray’r again,
And has sent His power down. [Refrain]
4 Lord, I consecrate to Thee my all in all,
On my waiting soul O let the power fall;
Humbly now I wait in faith, on Thee I call,
Let the fire come rushing down. [Refrain]
Source: New Songs of Pentecost #29