1 When the heart is distress’d,
Fill’d with pain and unrest,
There’s a wonderful blessing in prayer;
For the Savior is near,
When we cry, He will hear
And will carry our burdens and care.
Oh, then pray, always pray,
As you go on your way!
In communion with heaven abide,
That your faith may endure,
And your peace be secure,
Unmolested, whatever betide.
2 When temptation assails
And your strength almost fails,
There’s a wonderful blessing in prayer;
If you call on His name,
He will help you to claim
That great pow’r which you need ev’rywhere. [Refrain]
3 When the moments are bright,
Flowing on with delight,
There’s a wonderful blessing in prayer;
For the Master bestows
Joy, the world never knows,
When we ask Him our gladness to share. [Refrain]
4 Then whatever you need
And the promise you plead,
There’s a wonderful blessing in prayer;
For none ever were known,
Who in faith sought the throne,
To return empty-handed from there. [Refrain]
Source: Best Hymns No. 4 #84