1 When the cross that God my Father gives
So very heavy seems,
And when I see the blighting,
Find the ashes of my dreams;
When the heart that beats within my breast,
Is weary and cast down,
And when the sun is shadowed,
While the heavens seem to frown;
O I think of Christ my Saviour;
And the cross on Calv’ry’s side,
I think of what He bore for me,
And am straightway satisfied.
2 When the treasures I have striven for
Are slipping fast away;
When evil tempts me sorely
And so anxious is my day;
When the fiery darts that Satan sends
Are crowding thick and fast,
And when youth’s hopes are shattered
And lie dying in the blast; [Refrain]
3 When the cares and trials of this life
Are pressing more and more;
When death’s dark angel softly
Spreads his wings above my door;
When the paths that e’er my feet must tread
So dark and dreary grow,
And when my soul is heavy
With a nameless pain and woe; [Refrain]
Source: Favorites Number 3: A Collection of Gospel Songs #22