1 When the clouds are black around you,
When the stormy winds do blow,
Let this blessed promise cheer you:
“In the cloud I set My bow,”
When discouragements dishearten,
When the heart is faint and low,
Listen! weary, drooping spirit;
“In this cloud I set My bow.”
2 For in due time, if ye faint not,
Ye shall reap what now ye sow;
Sheaves of golden grain bear witness
In the cloud was set the bow:
If life’s battle presses sorely,
Fierce and pow’rful be the foe,
Hearken to Him voice still saying,
“In the cloud I set My bow.”
3 For in faith’s whole armour clothèd
Victory’s certain—this we know;
We shall prove through fiercest conflict
In the cloud was set the bow:
When we come to death’s dark valley,
Through in triumph we shall go;
For He says, who never leaves us:
“In this cloud I set My bow.”
4 Blessèd promise! sure and precious,
Lighting darkness, conquering foe;
Praise we Thee, that not in sunshine,
But in cloud is set the bow:
Then as round His throne we gather,
All life’s mysteries we shall know;
Comprehend why in the darkness
Of the cloud He set His bow.
Source: Hymns of Consecration and Faith #576