1 When, streaming from the eastern skies,
The morning light salutes mine eyes,
O Sun of Righteousness divine,
On me with beams of mercy shine;
Chase the dark clouds of guilt away
And turn my darkness into day.
2 When, to Heaven's great and glorious King
My morning sacrifice I bring,
And, mourning o'er my guilt and shame,
Ask mercy in my Savior's Name,
Then Jesus, sprinkle with Thy blood,
And be my advocate with God.
3 As every day Thy mercy spares
Will bring its trials and its cares,
O Savior, till my life shall end,
Be Thou my counselor and friend:
Teach me Thy precepts, all divine,
And be Thy great example mine.
4 When pain transfixes every part,
Or languor settles at the heart;
When on my bed, diseased, oppressed,
I turn, and sigh, and long for rest;
O great Physician, see my grief,
And grant Thy servant sweet relief.
5 Should poverty's consuming blow
Lay all my worldly comforts low;
And neither help nor hope appear
My steps to guide, my heart to cheer;
Lord, pity and supply my need,
For Thou, on earth, wast poor indeed.
6 Should Providence profusely pour
Its various blessings on my store;
O keep me from the ills that wait
On such a seeming prosperous state:
From hurtful passions set me free,
And humbly may I walk with Thee.
7 When each day's scenes and labors close,
And wearied nature seeks repose,
With pardoning mercy richly blest,
Guard me, my Savior, while I rest;
And, as each morning sun shall rise,
O lead me onward to the skies.
8 And, at my life's last setting sun,
My conflicts o'er, my labors done,
Jesus, thine heavenly radiance shed,
To cheer and bless my dying bed;
And, from death's gloom my spirit raise,
To see Thy face and sing Thy praise.
Hymnal: according to the use of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, 1871
First Line: | When, streaming from the eastern skies |
Author: | William Shrubsole |
Meter: | |
Language: | English |
Copyright: | Public Domain |